Here is Ours.

Disease is a part of our modern world. We are either preventing it, treating it, or recovering from it. In working with us, you will gain an understanding of your health and how to manage it, while also developing a long-term, personalized strategy for maintaining a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. We help you with navigation, nutrition, recovery, and detoxification – the primary elements that dictate disease or wellness in our current environment.

Professional Qualifications:

Our Founder, Cindy, has been a clinical nurse for over a decade. She served in both clinical and administrative capacities throughout her career and holds a Master’s degree in Nursing Leadership. As a staff nurse, nurse leader, and quality improvement specialist, she led multidisciplinary teams in various academic medical settings throughout Boston, New York, and Ohio to provide high quality care to patients with cancer.

Patient Experience:

Cindy’s role as a health care provider transitioned to patient when she was diagnosed with metastatic thyroid cancer during postpartum, following the birth of her daughter. Her background in nursing helped her understand her diagnosis, ask the right questions, and make the right decisions for her and her family. She started The Cancer Team to help individuals, patients, and families receive the same support and resources to understand their options by creating a personalized program that suits their healing goals.

Cindy Cathcart, MSN, RN, BCPA



Kathrynne Gebhardt


Adhiti Narayan, CCSM
