What are the 3 Ways to Enhance Curcumin Absorption?

Extensive research over the past two decades supports a very strong argument for the use of curcumin in cancer prevention and treatment. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent AND an antioxidant. 

The NIH explains the relationship between inflammation, oxidative stress and chronic illness:

  • Oxidative stress may occur when there are too many unstable molecules (free radicals) in the body and not enough antioxidants to get rid of them. 
  • Many factors may lead to oxidative stress: Obesity, poor diet, smoking, alcohol, certain medicines, exposure to environmental factors such as radiation, toxins, air pollution, pesticides, and sunlight. 
  • Long-term oxidative stress may play a role in aging and the development of chronic inflammation, cancer and other diseases.

Several studies continue to show preventive and therapeutic effects on various types of cancer. Findings suggest that Curcumin compound can prevent the formation and spread of tumors or reduce their size, interfere with cell cycle growth and induce cell death. These impacts of Curcumin contribute to improved quality of life without adverse effects, including reduction in symptoms from chemotherapy and radiation.

Curcumin is often poorly absorbed because it repels water and is quickly eliminated from your body. For optimal absorption, it should be combined with heat, black pepper and fat (olive oil, coconut milk, etc). Here are 3 ways to ensure that you are getting the true health benefits from Curcumin:

  • Indian curries often include heat, turmeric, black pepper and fat in many recipes, like this chickpea tikka masala
  • Golden Milk is a simple drink using dairy or dairy-free milk.
  • If you are looking for a supplement, most do not have the high bioavailability you need to achieve therapeutic results. We recommend Curalieve, which is proven to be more easily absorbed and rapidly when compared to standard forms of curcumin supplements.

Each healthy choice you make leaves one less cancer cell surviving in your body! Reach out to learn more.